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/ The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 1 / The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume I (Data Express)(1992).ISO / lan / pdclk139.zip

Text (12)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ARP.ASM Assembly Source File 653 16KB 1992-05-17
BUFS.ASM Assembly Source File 159 4KB 1992-05-17
COPYING Text File 249 13KB 1989-03-02
IP.ASM Assembly Source File 2,314 55KB 1992-05-17
MAKEFILE Text File 35 793b 1992-05-17
PDCLKSET.ASM Assembly Source File 1,861 41KB 1992-05-17
PDCLKSET.DOC Text File 502 26KB 1992-05-17
PING.ASM Assembly Source File 748 16KB 1992-05-17
PKTDR.ASM Assembly Source File 65 1KB 1991-05-27
READ.ME Text File 58 2KB 1992-02-06
SETTIME.ASM Assembly Source File 283 6KB 1992-05-17
TBLBUILD.ASM Assembly Source File 1,175 21KB 1992-05-11

Other Files (3)
PDCLKSET.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 13KB 1992-05-17
PDCLKSML.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 9KB 1992-05-17
PDTBUILD.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 15KB 1992-05-17